Hannah Bullivant - Interior Design

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Have you ever made a goal only to completely forget about it?!

Yeah. So have I.

I've always loved dreaming and making plans and have always written in a journal. It’s just part of my make up, and I love hearing about other peoples too. For years my hopes and dreams brought me a lot of joy and filled reams of pages in my journal….but they stayed as just that. Hopes and dreams written in a journal.

It wasn't until Idid the following things that I began to actually start taking steps toward my goals. Pretty mega steps actually. (quitting my job, moving house and figuring out motherhood sort of steps 😱)

  • Take into consideration my actual time/energy/financial resources

  • Made a super practical plan

  • Offered myself kindness (cue mind blowing change)

  • Held myself lovingly accountable

I have boiled all of this in to my Life Book E-Course, 10 years of success and mistakes, all my nerdy research about effective planning and making things happen, and all the feedback from previous students.

What about figuring out your goals? If I had to distil my advice  on figuring out your goals down to just one thing it would be:

Dream BIG.

Yep. There's power in our dreams.  

Okaaaay, it's a little more complicated than that, and there may be a few steps in between the steps above. But really, at it's core, The Life Book dreaming and planning system is beautifully simple. It's also utterly adaptable to your life right now, whatever it looks like. It's built for non perfect-people, it's radically kind, and it works!

Hannah x

P.S If you are taken with the talk of kindness, flexibility, dreaming and planning, then my Life Book e-course is open now, for 7 more days only, and I would LOVE to have you!

Read more, including some more lovely testimonials from past students,here

And you can grab your spot here.

Any questions? Please just hit reply. 

In JournallingGoals