My 'tingly' goals for 2019 and word for the year


Despite designing a whole e course about (amongst other stuff) January goals, I am only just now starting the process of looking ahead!

I talk again and again in my Life Book, January chapter e-course and on instagram/to anyone who’ll listen about not rushing. About refusing the pressure and noise of this time of year; the could/musts/shoulds. So I am taking my sweet time, following my own inner rhythm and juggling my hoping and dreaming and goal setting with home and family.

I know I don’t feel ready to spring into action until Spring (see what I did there) but I do love this month for the planning and dreaming. I take the whole month to do this, I don’t rush it, and I really enjoy the space this creates to focus on me a bit.

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The January Book Process. 

I follow my own January Book process, in fact I rely heavily on it throughout the year. This means I first go over my Big Picture- the feelings or specific things I am working towards- and make sure it still feels exciting. Then I look back with kindness, and note the things I am grateful for and the lessons I learned. You can read my reflecting back post here, and see how I practice this in reality; kindness, understanding, not beating myself up. 

(My e course is now closed but you can get a copy of the free PDF of the basic structure by filling in the form below. )


Creating tingly goals

I try to create goals that give me tingles, rather than goals that feel like punishments for past ‘failures’. The process itself as well as the end result should feel good. I ask myself (for I find I still need to be reminded) if the goal is rooted in a place of self love. If you look at your goals, if you have made any, through the lens of kindness, how do they read?

I also check my goals at key points throughout the year, and give myself infinite opportunities to tweak and change (life is in constant motion, embracing change has been a game changer for me). 

Here are a few of my categories, so you can see how I actually write the goals in reality.


My work plan is still evolving, so far I’ve focussed on how I want to feel and  haven’t got to the practical part yet. But I want to enjoy embracing my multi passionate self, to step into my space whilst also protecting my mental health (tingles!). I want to feel calmer. I want to feel more financially solid. I no longer want to be working in any minute I get, or stressing about money. I want to continue to think about the practical things I can do to make my interiors/lifestyle/simple living world more diverse. I want to offer opportunities to really connect with my audience and ideal customers (you!) both online and in real life. To produce resources and workshops that my audience love and are willing to pay for. I want to feel creatively challenged and excited about my collaborations and clients this year. 


Focus on loving my body (tingles!). Feeling good in my skin, mentally and physically. I want to feel strong and healthy. Work on my energy levels. I want to run or walk outside 3 times a week. Instead of focussing what i’m cutting out of my diet, focus to what i’m putting IN. These are a continuation of last years goals. Enjoy reading non fiction as much as possible. I feel REALLY excited about reading again, and have realised  this is such a good way for me to switch off and relax. 


I want us to feel close and connected, face stuff together, as a team (I knowwww,  cliche central, but this is my book, so cheesiness rules. Cheesiness is literally one of my life values. ) I want to feel like we have the space we need to grow, separately and together. Keep talking. Keep compromising. Keep seeing each other, being willing to be wrong. We want to make more time for each other this year. 


To continue last years work- to simplify, to buy less and joyfully make do. But also to be able to joyfully buy new things when we need them. To continue to create a cosy, creative, joyful home, in which we can all thrive (tingles!). Specifically create a kids bedroom they feel cosy and creative in, and finish some smaller DIY jobs too.

Kindness. Tingles. Feelings.

Words I am reminding myself of frequently, words I am saying to Dave whilst we do our own January Books. Words I am often saying in my Life Book e-course Facebook group too, and they are words I want to leave here for you, too. This, again, is just a bit of what makes up my life. But if I included it all we’d be here for days!

Word for the year. 

I love having a word for the year. Last year my word was ‘Brave’ and the year before ‘Nourish’ and before that, ‘Grow’. All of them were so wise and helpful for me. Your word acts as a life mantra and provides wisdom in your daily life.  For example, if your word for the year was “Ease”  then you would hold that word in your mind when deciding whether to take on a new project, accept a new job, move house, say yes to an offer etc. Does this bring more ease?  We go through ‘Word for the year’ in my e-course because it’s become an integral part of the January Book, and a lovely way to approach the year. My ‘word’ came to me last week, just before hosting the January Day Retreat. “Calm”. I want more calm in my work. In my family life. I want more calm with my finances. I want more calm in my mind, in the way I complete my work, and make decisions. For some people, just having a word for the year might really work for them, rather than goals and resolutions or intentions.

Your word might just jump out at you, or it might come to you slowly, after a bit of tending and digging and thought. It should provide wisdom for you in 2019 when you have a decision to make or an important thing to do. It should be kind- like a hug from a friend- and provide advice and wisdom as you go about your life. 

Having a single word is more memorable than lists of goals, I love the simplicity. Actually, I like having both a detailed actionable set of goals and a single word too which acts as a summary. My word for the year is written in my planner and above my desk, and is woven into my goals for the year too. 

It’s absolutely fine to re-use an old word, or have the same word year after year, and there is no such thing as 'copying’ someone else's word! If it resonates with you then use it. If you’d like more guidance on finding your word then I always recommend Susannah Conways free guide here.

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My e-course enrolments are closed now, but I love that this year I am going through this planning and review process with 160 other people! I am absolutely loving the sharing and encouragement in the community facebook group too. What a bloody honour it is to hold a space for that. If you want to be notified next time I open it up, you can join the waiting list in the form below. I am currently deciding whether to open it up again in Spring.

Have you written any goals? When you read over them are they rooted in a place of self love? Do they make you feel tingly? Have you chosen a word? Or are you hibernating until spring?!

In Bigger Picture

Hannah Bullivant

Interior designer & stylist. Soulful styling. Nurturing Spaces.

10 wonderful things to make, do and celebrate in February


10 uplifting things to make, do and celebrate in January