Spring goal setting, making goals in spring, march is the new January, channeling the energy of spring,
Spring is a great time for goal setting so I have opened the doors to my Life Book E-Course , which is all about dreaming and planning, and enrolments end tomorrow (Friday) at midnight (* now closed*) . I wanted to talk about why Spring is the most wonderful time to make goals, whether you use my e-course or not!
Spring goal setting- it’s a thing!
So first up- why Spring?! I know January is the traditional time for goal setting, new starts and resolutions. And when I first ran my E-Course in January over 100 people joined me to do just that,(but using my much kinder approach!) I actually like the quiet of winter for dreaming and planning and always have...
Spring is, in many ways, a much MUCH better time to set some goals and intentions and make them happen!
Heres why
You’re not in a post holiday season/ winter fug. My desire for the holy triptych of sofa, Netflix and food is slowly ebbing away to be replaced with a desire to DO STUFF! Be outside! Make sh*it happen!
There is less pressure to perform! January comes with a lot of pressure- the new year, new you bs. Spring simply comes with the hope and inspiration of a new season.
Nature is growing. Rather than lying dormant (like I was, ha!) nature is teeming with life, and what better time to nurture and grow a goal than when nature is doing the same all around us?
There is so much more light! And it is so much more energising.
There is more time to actually think about it. Spring is full of bank holidays! The UK has quite a few, from the Easter holidays to two holidays in May. Spending a couple of hours working through some goals and intentions is a lovely way to spend a bank holiday.
Tap into your inner wisdom
The Life Book E-Course is beautifully simple and it digs into YOUR inner wisdom; not some carbon copy of of someone else or a version of what you think you *should* want. It helps you to draw on what you already know, what you’ve already learned, and helps you simply to apply it. After all, most of us already have the knowledge we need to make life changing plans and decisions sat there inside us, just waiting to be uncovered, like seeds laying dormant in the soil. Another reason why Spring feels intuitively wonderful to dig into this.
Have you tried Spring goal setting?
In Journalling, Goals