
Not a 2020 goals and plans post(!)

My full planning process is ongoing- I tend to take the whole of January to really flesh it out. I also do the stages of the planning process alongside students on my e-course, which only just got started. So this isn’t a “my goals for 2020 post”. I’m not there yet.  But by way of a 2020 partner to my 2019 post, I wanted to share my word for the year and vision board, and give some tips too, as I’ve had lots of dm’s about both when I mention them on Instagram stories.

Releasing last year

Firstly though, I have been spending some time releasing 2019. What I mean by that, is before I race in to 2020, i’m allowing the experiences, growth, lessons and love from the last year soak in. I have been re-reading both my 2019 and 2018 review posts and just letting them marinate. I really recommend not rushing the looking back process, and not racing headlong in to Big New Year Action. There is so much wisdom in the last year, even if we are very glad to see the back of it. 

There has been so much change between my 2019 and 2018. It’s so lovely to look back on. I’m so incredibly proud of the boundaries I put in place over the last 2 years, and am so grateful for the ways they still serve me.

I am taking all of these refections and lessons into my planning for 2020, and I am feeling so pumped about this year! This is huge. And also very unusual….

Because of the boundaries I mention above, I am starting 2020 feeling energised and rested for the first time…..ever? I usually over-do it (with exciting things, but still) over November and December and feel pretty knackered and poorly come January (sending love to those who are there right now- been there many times- take it eeeaassssyyy and really rest!)  So my rest means I have been so up for nerding out on all things January. From decluttering to going through my own January Life Book, finding my word for the year and finishing my 2020 vision board. The vision board and word for the year exercises are really lovely, gentle ways to think about 2020 so they’re great if you’re feeling burnt out but still want to start thinking about 2020.

Choosing a word (or words) for the year

I’ve chosen a word for the year for many years now. I find it to be a simple, easy framework to start a year with. It goes very nicely with my January Life Book plans, and acts as a sort of ultra summery of what I want. But it stands alone as a super useful tool as well. (Some of what i’m about to write out is from my e-course- this makes the final chapter of all the reflection, hoping and dreaming in the previous modules)

Your word should provide a foundation from which to move through 2020. It can act as a memorable mantra, something you will hopefully find yourself muttering in your daily life. It should help you to make decisions.

For example, last year I was hoping for a greater sense of calm and peace and chose the word “Calm” . It guided me through the process of strengthening my boundaries and prioritising rest and calm every day. I don’t think i’m done with the word ‘calm’ yet so am taking it with me into 2020 alongside the word ‘ease’. Both feel tingly and ‘right’ for me. 

Here is my process. 

1. Think about where you’d like to be by the end of the year, in both your personla and professional life, in your physical and emotional wellbeing, your income etc. See if there are any overarching themes that link them together or lessons learned. Your word might just jump out at you, or it might come to you slowly, after a bit of tending and digging and thought. It should provide wisdom for you in 2020 when you have a decision to make or an important thing to do.

2. Write down a list of words that resonate with you, that summarise how you want your year to feel, or what you’d like to do. If you struggle to come up with your list, then think about a time in your life when you felt happy, and there was a sense of flow or things feeling generally ‘right’. This can be in relation to work or your personal life. 

How did you feel in those moments? Here are some words below to get you started. Use a thesaurus to look up similar words. 

Freedom, ease, breathe, warmth, expand, abide, inhabit, spaciousness, energy, express, connect, adventure, independence, laughter, confidence, truth, joy, creation, nature, dance, learning, helping, inspiring, togetherness, compassion, kindness, integrity, self-respect, love, calm, tranquility, trust, wealth, happiness, wisdom, vitality, comfort, desire, grace, power, nurture.

3. Narrow it down to 3-5, then narrow it down again to one or two. I try to choose a verb or an adjective because it’s an active ‘doing’ word rather than a noun which is a static thing. This is my personal preference though- do what feels good to you. 

Use a thesaurus to look up similar words that might light a spark for you. Let your final word or words sit with you for a bit. If it/they feel right,  you’ll start seeing and hearing it everywhere you go, and receiving wisdom from it in your life. Come and share your thoughts in the facebook group or ask for inspiration from others if you feel you might benefit. 

A good litmus test of your word is to imagine future scenarios, both in your work and at home, and see if your word offers wisdom. For example, if your word for the year was “Ease”  then I would hold that word in my mind when I was deciding whether to take on another job or school responsibility. Does this bring more ease? 

4. Once you have your word, say it aloud to yourself. Scrawl it in your journal in big letters. Tell your loved ones why you chose it. Stick it above your desk, by your loo. There is power in the naming of it aloud. Embrace and own it in whatever way feels comfortable for you.

Gentle+ways+to+ease+into+2020,+how+to+make+a+vision+board+and+how+to+choose+a+word+for+the+year (1).jpg

My 2020 Vision board

A vision board acts as a visual representation of what you’d like 2020 to feel like. The process is really simple, and it can be done online or offline. My preference is to use scissors and glue- there is something immensely satisfying and childlike about it somehow! 

  1. Gather material (magazines, postcards, newspapers) 

  2. Think about how you want to feel in 2020. Then as you flip through your material, rip out anything that calls to you- anything that represents how you want to feel in 2020. 

  3. That’s it!

Both the word for the year and the vision board exercises are brilliant, gentle ways to start thinking about 2020. I’m so excited to finish this radically kind planning process and really flesh out my hopes and dreams with my January Life Book students.  The cart closes tomorrow if you’d like to join us! We will also be making vision boards (and word of the year banners) at my January day Retreat on the 25th in my home, and there are still spaces! I offer pay what you can spaces on both the e-course and the day retreat for those who don’t have the funds available for them. Please email me if you’re interested.

Join the e-course here

Join the day retreat here

I would love love love to do these processes with you.

In JournallingGoals

Hannah Bullivant

Interior designer & stylist. Soulful styling. Nurturing Spaces.

