Recent work and new portfolio!
Lucy Rutter ceramics. Photography Dave Bullivant. Styling Hannah Bullivant.
Before I get into this post, oh goodness. The snow. The SNOW. True to my brand, and possibly slightly infuriatingly, I am loving it. It never snows like this in Kent, and I also love proper weather (rather than dull damp grey days) so I am nerding out about it. I am relishing having my girlie at home for almost a whole week. Of course there have been stressy points, but mostly, I have loved playing games with her and baking together and making up dances and shows. I am fortunate however that the snow has meant that Dave has been snowed in for lots of the week too, meaning we are sharing the childcare. The work and childcare sharing, the baking, the fire, the candles and the playing together, means that for me, we are basically living the dream. However, I know if I was on my own with both kids I'd be tearing my hair out a bit by now, especially because I can't get out in the snow with Auden very easily. So I am very aware of my privilege right now, and send out love to those doing this alone.
A combination of sickness, snow and half term have meant that February has left me with very little childcare time, and I have had to prioritise some photoshoots and sourcing in the time I have had. One thing I have managed to achieve, however, is an update to my website, including finally updating my portfolio. I am petty chuffed with myself for getting it done!
Updated portfolio.
I have now fully merged and so they both point over here, and I have redesigned my portfolio too. Rather than include ALL of my work, I have just uploaded 12 of my highlights- which will change over time as I review my past work and finish my current work too. So you can click here to see it- and I have also included some of my favourite recent images in this post too.
Lucy Rutter ceramics. Photography Dave Bullivant. Styling Hannah Bullivant.
Lucy Rutter ceramics. Photography Dave Bullivant. Styling Hannah Bullivant.
Louise Hummerstone ceramics. Photography Dave Bullivant. Styling Hannah Bullivant.
Louise Hummerstone ceramics. Photography Dave Bullivant. Styling Hannah Bullivant.
Maud Interiors. Photography Dave Bullivant. Styling Hannah Bullivant.
Maud Interiors. Photography Dave Bullivant. Styling Hannah Bullivant.
What you can expect from me in this space:
I have now merged my personal blog and portfolio website here in this space, because I was finding they increasingly overlapped, and because I want to bring the two together more. I will still be blogging seasonal celebrations, soulful interiors, motherhood etc, but I will be talking more about my work, and including more tips on styling interiors and events. All of this comes under my new Soulful Living tagline.
My work as a stylist and my work as a social media "influencer" have been merging more and more, often with brands wanting to work with me in both of these capacities. This is pretty unchartered territory for me, and for both industries I think, and I am both intrigued and excited to see how this develops. In many ways I can offer something pretty unique to the brands hiring me, but in other ways, it's complicated too, not least knowing how to charge for it too!
I am planning posts around how I got into styling, my stylists toolkit, balancing work with my baby etc, and would love to know if theres anything you want to know!
In My work