10 wonderful things to make, do and celebrate in March!
March by Emilie Maguin
March, by Emile Maguin for HannahBullivant.com
It is currently quite hard to believe that March is really here; the UK is recovering from a Baltic blast of ice and snow that is only just melting. Schools and work places closed for much of the week (we do not have the infrastructure to deal with it here) and it has been sobering to realise just how much we are at the mercy of Mother nature. We were all forced to slow down, something I needed. But temperatures are set to rise quite quickly over the next few weeks and suddenly March, The Spring Equinox (20th) and a new season is before us. A whole new season!
My oldest baby turns 6 in a few days and underneath the thawing ice and snow hopeful daffodils open. The bird song will get louder and louder every morning from now on, and the increasing light is very welcome too. Spring is a wonderfully energising month, ripe for creativity and growth. I AM HERE FOR THAT.
Here are 10 wonderful things to make, do, and celebrate in the month ahead!
Review. The start of each new season marks the quarter point of a year, and is a great time to review your yearly work, personal and career plans and goals. This can be done as an equinox activity if you want. Look back and celebrate your wins, write down what you are releasing/forgiving (burn it for extra witchy points), then firm up or adjust (if necessary) plans going forward. I have had to release some of my plans for the start of the year to give me some time to deal with current levels of parenting and sleeplessness and i’m cool with that.
Bid farewell to winter. Take a few moments to bid farewell to winter; a seasonally specific version of point one above. Write down the stuff you’ve learnt, and the positive stuff that happened. Release anything negative (it can be a hard season for some- try to genuinely release it!). You could always write down anything you want to remind your future winter self of too! (Put it in a reminder in your phone for next winter!)
Journal. Closely connected to point one, I have been talking about my love of journalling on my instagram stories (see ‘Self Care Kween highlights) and thought the equinox and the change of season might be a great time to start journalling if you don’t already. It’s such a wonderful, revealing, process, and so helpful if you struggle with anxiety (like me). If you need structure: here’s mine: brain dump everything. Then write a long list of stuff you’re grateful for. Then write how you want to feel today. Magic!
It’s Mothers day next Sunday, the 11th. If this day is a joyful day for you- I hope you have something lovely planned. If it’s a sad day for you for whatever reason (My mum died when I was 10 so this day was super sad for me for nearly two decades) I also hope you have something lovely planned- you probably deserve it more.
International Womens Day! Write letters to the influential women in your life. On Thursday it’s International Womens Day, a day to celebrate womens achievements around the world, and give a ginormous fist bump to your fellow females. This year I’ll be writing letters (probably emails and texts!) to the women in my life I love and have influenced me.
Try #plasticfreefriday. I have been joining in with the Friends of The Earth campaign to help us reduce plastic, and my town has been campaigning about this a lot recently too. View the pledge and get more info here.
Have a planting party! Spring is here so it’s time to till the ground and prepare for new growth. Most things can be started this month (indoors if there’s still frost about, or directly in the ground if you’re frost free).
Bring Spring indoors. Decorate with local seasonal spring blooms (avoid the stuff flown in!) and budding branches (see mine below) if you can responsibly find them. Display bulbs in teacups and pots.
Spring Clean! If you’e feeling the Spring Cleaning itch, have a look at my recipes to make your own eco friendly cleaning supplies. I also love a huge spring declutter too. Cupboards: WATCH OUT.
Feed the nesting birds. March is the month that most birds will start building their nests and fighting for territory- hungry work! It also makes for interesting and super sweet bird watching, especially with kids. Feed them, and tie little bits of coloured felt to branches around the garden- apparently they often end up woven into birds nests!
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