April, by Emilie Maguin.
Welcome April, Month of true Spring. Welcome to the rain showers and the new life bursting out of the ground and sprouting on the trees, the first warm sun on our faces, and bird song ever-escalating in volume. I have been drinking my coffee in the garden all week and it transforms my days, no exaggeration. I feel like I have finally woken up from my winter hibernation, and am suddenly ready to launch all the things I have been dreaming about. Details of some of those are at the end of my newsletter. But you can expect news of residential retreats, day retreats and an instameet and I would be honoured if you chose to join me on any of those occasions. Hurrah for Spring!
10 wonderful things to make, do and celebrate in April!
1. Drink your morning brew in the garden.
It is so, so much lighter in the mornings, and the birdsong is also getting louder and louder. Take your morning cuppa into the garden and breathe the fresh spring air. This is my favorite way to start the day and such a simple act of self care. I also like bringing my journal out with me too and doing a bit of morning writing. I can feel my skin soaking up the vitamin D!
2. Watch out for nesting birds.
After coupling up last month, lots of birds will begin nesting. Make some simple bird feeders to help them along. It is Dawn Chorus Day on Sunday May 6th- when my next Sunday Supplement is scheduled- so I’m giving you a bit more notice. April and May will be the best times to fling the windows open early in the morning and listen to the bird song. it’s truly one of the most uplifting sounds.
3. Gather and display British Spring flowers.
I just love having a house full of flowers in Spring. Wreathes, jars, flowering plants. I feel passionately about buying local and seasonal flowers where you can - in April Tulips and Daffodils will be in abundance.
4. Visit a wild flower display.
Google your nearest park or gardens to see if they have a particularly lovely Spring flower display.
5. Have a Spring Picnic in the garden.
We are big fans of the garden picnic. Slightly more chaotic with a baby about but still lovely. We just bring our plates outside. But you could make it a fancier occasion too if you want too!
6. Play Nature Bingo.
A lovely activity for the Easter holidays- head here to download my free printable Nature bingos, (one for smaller kids, one for bigger kids, plus one for a farm. You’re welcome!)
7. Visit an orchard.
Head to your nearest orchard (cites have them too!) and have a picnic under the blossom. Or, our favourite, give yourself a cherry blossom shower under your nearest tree. See below for an exciting announcement about a blossom instameet!
8. Eat wild garlic.
I absolutely love greens all year round, but in Spring there are some absolutely delicious varieties. See Anna Jones’s (I am such a fan) recipes for Spring Greens here.
9. Get Ready for May Day.
Every year we make May Day Posies for friends to celebrate the coming of warm weather. It's a the loveliest excuse to give a few blooms to your friends.
10. Spring clean and delcutter.
If you haven’t managed that big spring clean or clear out, then it’s never too late! (I have not managed it yet- I am itching too, but i’m doing small areas everyday) Even if you only manage a few things a day, its always worth it. I am a true decluttering convert and I really believe it’s improved my quality of life and given me more mental space. See my DIY Natural Cleaning Recipes here.
Brogdale Blossom.
Other news!
I am so, so excited to announce that I am hosting a retreat at Elmley Nature Reserve! You can expect Incredible wild location (it is seriously my favourite place on earth) and thoughtful sessions focussed on wellbeing, yoga, meditation, making and journalling, as well as delicious vegan food. More contributors to be announced shortly! This has been a long time in the making, but it’s finally happening! The Vanellus tickets sold out really quickly so there are only 2 huts left. See more info and buy tickets here.
Blossom Instameet.
Fancy hanging out with me and Charlotte from Betty? How about in a beautiful orchard so you also get your blossom dose (and those all important insta pics) Yes?! We are hosting a blossom insta meet at Brogdale Collections- A beautiful orchard in Faversham. It’s on Sunday 22nd April. This will only be available to the first 40 people who sign up. Follow the link here to do so and good luck!
Spring Playlist.
You can listen to my Spring playlist here- it’s constantly being added too. I’ve had a few nice messages about it lately and it’s getting some followers on Spotify too which is nice. I do the playlists because i love music but it’s always nice to know others like them too.
Happy April fellas. x