Budget Static Caravan Makeover- how we renovated a £150 static caravan into a chic wooden lodge
In January 2021 we began a static caravan renovation with our friends. We bought it for the grand sum of… £150. It was a wreck.
Why a wreck of a caravan?
We’d been given notice on our rental home a few months prior and were stuck. Rental prices were high, and at that point work had dried up for us both.
How and Why to Downsize
My third podcast episode is now out!
It’s about all things DOWNSIZING. And I mean that in a home sense moving to a smaller home, and also as a way of thinking too- downsizing your possessions. First I’m going to share out story about how we radically downsized as a family of 4, then I’m going to talk about downsizing as a way of thinking. You can listen below, keynotes underneath.
Caravan Makeover- brief, plans and moodboard
This post is about the design of the cabin.
The brief was to create luxe guest accommodations for the clients friends and family. It needed to make the most of it’s glorious location and views; and connect deeply to the landscape around it. I kept a relatively neutral base colour palette but had fun with the accent colours and patterns. Where possible materials also needed to be recycled, or made using eco methods and materials.
How to make the MOST out of the kitchen you have
My second podcast episode is out! Today I am talking KITCHENS, one of my favourite topics! Because the kitchen is the heart of the home! ❤️❤️
It truly is, and what happens in the kitchen tends to set the tone for the rest of the home. So it really pays to make sure that heart is ticking over nicely. It’s an episode of 2 halves. The first half deals with clutter and kitchen surfaces, and the second is all about joy and beauty; the styling and decor. (Links to podcast and key written notes inside)
Static Caravan Budget Kitchen Makeover for £1500
The original plan was to simply replace the doors and worktops and tart the old girl up. But, as explained in the intro post, the floor rot was more advanced than we realised so we ended up completely gutting it and starting again.
Lessons from a tiny home: how to maximise your space
9 months ago, we downsized from a large 3 bedroom home into a much smaller space . It’s been….life-changing. In our smaller space we have encountered some downsides, don’t get me wrong, but there are so many positive things to take from living in this way. It’s absolutely no secret that I love living a clutter-free life, and living small has turbo-charged it.