Celebrating London in Bloom with St Martins Courtyard and Mercer Walk.

On Friday I was very excited to head to London as a guest of St Martin’s Courtyard and Mercer Walk, a stones throw away from Covent Garden, to celebrate London In Bloom as part of this week’s Chelsea Flower Show. From flower arranging classes at the Academy of Flowers, fragrant scents from The White Company, floral cocktails at Dalla Terra and dreamy craft supplies from London Graphic Centre, St Martin’s Courtyard and Mercer Walk are in one of my favourite areas of London to visit. I’ll show you my highlights below. For those of us who are unable to make it to Chelsea this week, I thought i'd include some also take home floral tips too. As usual, all links will be at the end of the blog post.

I used to walk through Covent garden every day for years when I lived in London, but I haven’t been back in the city, for anything other than a really busy styling job with no downtime, for months and months. I also haven’t taken myself shopping for pleasure, in over a year! So spending a rare morning shopping making and drinking cocktails was flipping lovely.

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Business styling advice Hannah Bullivant Business styling advice Hannah Bullivant

Canopy & Stars slow living retreat at Elmley Nature Reserve.

I was delighted when, a few short wintry months ago, a beautiful invitation landed on my doorstep asking my attendance to a retreat by Canopy and Stars and Wknd:In at Elmley Nature Reserve. My yes didn’t take long to form; the mix of gorgeous ethical brands, attendees and location (hello favourite place) were all very exciting! I also styled the evening dinner in the barn so I was there in a mixed work/play capacity. I try to use my platform to support ethical independent brands, and a conscious way of life, and the brands that Olivia had brought together were so inspiring.

I have been so excited to share photo’s from this dreamy event for weeks. Everything was just so beautiful, from the flowers (brought by me, so of course I would say that!) to the food, and the thoughtful sessions we attended. I learned so much about photography over these few days. I loved having chance to really play with my camera settings, and be able to ask the help of some incredible photographers too. I also enjoyed being there with a crowd of women who get similarly excited about magnolia blooms and beautiful decaying textures and the light in a huge black barn. Oh, the light! It was wintry and low and directional and I couldn’t stop shooting it. Anyway, I have finally had time to edit and upload my photo's, and pull together some information about the sessions we attended.

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Business styling advice Hannah Bullivant Business styling advice Hannah Bullivant

Recent work and new portfolio!

Before I get into this post, oh goodness. The snow. The SNOW. True to my brand, and possibly slightly infuriatingly, I am loving it. It never snows like this in Kent, and I also love proper weather (rather than dull damp grey days) so I am nerding out about it. I am relishing having my girlie at home for almost a whole week. Of course there have been stressy points, but mostly, I have loved playing games with her and baking together and making up dances and shows. I am fortunate however that the snow has meant that Dave has been snowed in for lots of the week too, meaning we are sharing the childcare. The work and childcare sharing, the baking, the fire, the candles and the playing together, means that for me, we are basically living the dream. However, I know if I was on my own with both kids I'd be tearing my hair out a bit by now, especially because I can't get out in the snow with Auden very easily. So I am very aware of my privilege right now, and send out love to those doing this alone.

A combination of sickness, snow and half term have meant that February has left me with very little childcare time, and I have had to prioritise some photoshoots and sourcing in the time I have had. One amazing thing I have managed to achieve, however, is an update to my website, including finally updating my portfolio.

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